A JSON-based data access specification

JSON/q is a message-based specification. This enables it to be easily ported to many platforms, as there is no need to deal with streaming I/O, additional connection protocols, etc.

Basic JSON/q operations follow a Request-Response model. Responses may be generated at any stage in the pipeline while handling a request. In the client-server case, this includes both the client and the server.


A JSON/q request must contain the following attributes:

  • ID
  • type
  • payload


The ID is a unique identifier for the request. This field is used to correlate responses with requests and fire the proper response handler.


The type field specifies what type of operation is to be performed. Examples include save, delete, and query.


The payload field is any payload required by the operation. In the case of a save, this would contain the object to be saved; with a query, the actual query object.

The request may contain other fields, depending on the capabilities of the DatabaseProvider. These include, but are not limited to, txn_id and args.


A JSON/q response must contain the following attributes:

  • request_id
  • success
  • payload


The request_id field is the ID of the request to which this response belongs. This is used for correlating the response with the correct request.


The success field is a boolean field representing whether or not the operation was a success. If true, the payload field contains results; if it is false, the payload field will contain an error.


This field holds the payload to be returned to the requestor. Depending on the status field, it will either be results from the operation or an error.

The response may contain other fields, depending on the capabilities of the DatabaseProvider. These include, but are not limited to, txn_id.